Thursday, May 16, 2013

50 Books - Summer Challenge!

This summer - since I have time on my hands instead of schoolwork - I will be reading 50 random books of my choice (hopefully I will get it all done! I at least expect to do 30). I was planning on doing only banned books, but I want to read many different types of books so they may or may not be banned as well as random.

These are the books I have lined up so far :
  1. Stranger at Wildings by Madeleine Brent
  2. Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan(2nd book of Forest of Hands and Teeth Series)
  3. Promises, Promises by L.J. Baker
  4. Minions of the Moon by William Gray Beyer
  5. Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood (2nd book of The Cahill Witch Chronicles, To Be Released on June 18th!)
If there are any suggestions, by all means - suggest!

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