Sunday, October 28, 2012


So when (a month or so ago) I had a bit of time to myself, I finally got to pick up one of my sister's books that she is letting me borrow called Graceling written by Kristin Cashore.
This book is simply brilliant. The main character, Katsa, is a strong female lead who can take care of herself and doesn't need anyone to help her. She was born with a 'grace'. 

People who are born with a Grace in this book are considered as outsiders that people do not want to be around except for in one part of this world Cashore made up.

A Grace is a power only select people are born with. For instance, Katsa's grace is killing people easily. For that reason, most people find her as a threat and want nothing to do with her. The king, on the other hand, basically owns her and uses her for his own purposes.

This is a tale of a woman who starts off friendless and all alone, but one day encounters another that also has a 'fighting' grace, Po. This is a tale of their journey to save his grandfather and to uncover conspiracies in the kingdoms of this world.

Graceling is not a female only book. While it does have romance in it, it is mostly full of adventure and fighting. Men and women alike fall in love with this world full of Graces.

The next book in the series is called Fire, and takes place before this world had happened. As soon as I finish it, I will do a review on that as well =)

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