Friday, May 17, 2013

Stranger at Wildings by Madeleine Brent --- Book 1

My first book I'm reading this summer is Stranger at Wildings, by Madeleine Brent. If you have never read any Madeleine Brent books - pick up one now! They are SO amazing! They are out of print and you have to buy them owned. Also, they are hard to find in the US (even though the ones I have were printed here) - the author is a British male under the pen name of Madeleine Brent. His real name is Peter O'Donnell. It may be easier to find them in the UK?? I have no idea.

ISBN: 0385111010

Brent’s books are REALLY inspiring. While all of her/his books follow the same type of story line (romantic suspense – always stars a British girl – always includes a mysterious guy), they each have their own unique fingerprint which makes them all individually great!

Stranger at Wildings is about a girl, Chantel, whose past we know nothing about because she doesn’t want to talk about it. She comes to live and work at the circus as a trapeze artist with the Galletti family. One day she comes upon a guy named Martin who suffers from amnesia and knows nothing about his life before she met him. Suddenly, a tentman is found dead and Chantel’s trapeze bar breaks – which is found to be cut by a saw. Someone wanted her dead on purpose. But who? Martin? She was friends with Martin… Also, two new strangers come up to her and take her away to England! Is this the end of circus life?

That’s all I’m going to say about this book – but it’s a VERY good read and I recommend it to everyone, but it’s probably going to be a better read for the female followers! Thanks!

Here is the book cover of Stranger at Wildings (the one I own): 

But I feel that this version of the cover makes it more fun! (Since it's about a girl in the Circus!):

If anyone knows where the second cover is from tell me!! =)

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