Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Promises, Promises by L.J. Baker --- Book 3

Promises, Promises by L. J. Baker is a lesbian book, so it may not be your cup of tea. It isn't that bad though - I'm not a lesbian and I really rather enjoyed it! There is no sex in the book! (Thank goodness, because many lesbian literature contains this, and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that yet. I don't even like sex in regular books). It's also a very humor-filled and cutesy book.     

ISBN: 1590213378

Promises, Promises stars a girl named Sandy. Sandy falls in to love with every beautiful girl that she meets. This will be her downfall in the very soon future. 

Sandy and her mom own a store that Sandy keeps up with - although it is not doing very well. Her plain friend, Ruth, and her crazy 'frienemy', Drusilla, come over often to talk to Sandy.

One day, a beautiful girl comes into Sandy's shop. Sandy falls head-over-heels in love with her, and tells the beautiful girl her "fortune/future" (although Sandy made everything up because she can't REALLY tell the future), even though it is against the law. Drusilla tries warning Sandy about this girl, but Sandy ignores her, thinking that she is being her normal crazy self.

Sandy soon comes to find out that the girl she told the future to was the Princess and guards come to arrest her for telling the future of the Princess. Drusilla soon comes to Sandy's rescue, before she is beheaded, and tells the King that these were but 'Promises' Sandy made to the Princess.

Now Sandy must go out on an adventure to make sure all of the promises come true for the Princess by a year or Ruth and Sandy's mother will be killed! 

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