Monday, July 4, 2011

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

I actually picked up the second book first and read the back and figured out it wasn't the first book, but I REALLY wanted to read the second one... So I bought this one.

This book is about a girl, Mary, in a village surrounded by 'Unconsecrated' (aka Zombies). The village believes that they are the only ones left in the world. The village is ruled by The Sisterhood. Mary feels like she doesn't fit into this world and always seems like there should be 'more' to life. One day the Unconsecrated take over the village and Mary makes it out with her brother, her brothers wife, her best friend, her best friends' fiance, a little boy from the village and her own fiance. Together they go through the Forest of Hands and Teeth looking for a safe place to restart a village of their own.

When I first read the back of this book, and the second one, I didn't realize it was about zombies. So within the first chapter of reading this book I was like 'OMG... what did I get?!'

But actually Carrie Ryan did a GREAT job of describing 'Unconsecrated' in this book and I absolutely adored it!

This book is for anyone and everyone. I believe it has enough action, romance, and mystery to keep your head spinning.

I'm going to post a video I found on amazon, and Carrie Ryan's own webpage. I will probably collect her books. She is such a great author. I like a bit of horror in my novels from time to time and it seems like she has a couple of horror ish novels I will have to read.


Carrie Ryan's Webpage

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